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Why shift your email to
180Vault Private Email?

  • Full Encryption: 180Vault offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring that all emails remain private and protected from unauthorized access.

  • Data Privacy: Unlike many mainstream providers, 180Vault does not scrape or sell user data, offering a privacy-first experience.

  • Minimalist, Clean Design: The interface is designed to provide essential features without clutter, making for a focused, streamlined email experience.

  • Freedom from Ads: Many free email services fund themselves with intrusive ads. 180Vault is ad-free, eliminating distractions and data tracking associated with ads.

  • Secure Sharing: With 180Vault, users can privately share and collaborate on files and information without compromising privacy.

  • Protection Against Data Breaches: 180Vault prioritizes security, meaning users’ sensitive data and personal information are less vulnerable to hacking or breaches.

  • Full Control Over Your Data: Users have complete control over their email content, and it won’t be subject to third-party services or algorithms.

  • Better Spam and Phishing Protection: 180Vault’s advanced filtering focuses on protecting users from spam and phishing attempts without sacrificing privacy.

  • No Hidden Analytics: Some email providers track user behavior to improve algorithms or marketing. 180Vault respects user autonomy and avoids this.

  • Commitment to Privacy: Many established email providers are more commercialized, whereas 180Vault is built from the ground up to safeguard privacy.


Simplified User Experience: For those tired of the overly complex or bloated features of established accounts, 180Vault's focus on essentials can offer a refreshing change.

Shifting to 180Vault offers users peace of mind, knowing their email is handled with a commitment to privacy and security.

30-Day-Guarantee 180Vault

Your Privacy
is our Promise!

No Commitment 

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